Bumps in the road
Dear friends,
You might have wondered where I am in my travelling. Well there were “some sleeping policemen” (African idiom for those special bumps in the road). This really slows down your speed, that is what a policeman really wants when people tend to drive too fast on straight stretches.
One of these bumps happened last week, when I was really planning to write after a trip to Austria, Portugal and Norway. But….
For years I have had a high “bad cholesterol” and tried 5 different statins for which I was allergic, and I got finally Repatha in Austria, to counter this problem. I have used this for 3 years, I discovered that it costs € 500.- per month. The insurance changed their rules and insisted that I try a new statin. Last week I tried it out and after two days I felt increasingly tired, my walking became more difficult and my sense of balance was much worse. I also had a hard time to motivate myself to do anything. The end result was that I didn´t write. (except writing an email to my MD that I rather would go without any medicines). He replied that I could stop and still get the Repatha, regulating the release of “bad cholesterol”. After stopping this medicine, I felt better. I hope I can function again soon.
My trip to Hartberg Closter in Austria went well again. We had a small follow-up class to actually help people who have had early child hood traumas, through lay-counseling. A good neighbor is better than a hard and expensive psychologist or psychiatrist. One has often to wait long before one gets an appointment.
We focus on common sense and the use of models how one enters in the culture of abuse, (what do you say and especially what not to say when someone asks for help). The biblical basis is in my book From Shame to Peace. The client is always the person who holds the keys what topic will be discussed, and we teach helpers to go very slow. We work from a “positive psychology” approach. Not diving into the past but finding out what went well in their lives. Many clients want to have an answer on the many questions that bug their mind: what really happened, am I stupid? Am I fantasying issues?
Very soon the problems grow faster than the client can handle. We teach them how to handle the pain that comes as memories become clearer. We use different metaphors like “the silver box” to decide NOT to think about something painful but to give the situation to the Lord for safekeeping until He thinks that we can handle it. It´s based on Philippians 4:6-9. This has helped me myself to postpone tough issues in the “school of forgiving” until I could face it. I had to discover that the body remembers much more than our mind. It was good to work again with m co-worker Marlis Resch. She has taken the responsibility for what happens in Austria.
My trip to Portugal was because my older brother Marinus had his 85th birthday. Soon after that I went to Norway for a long weekend with my daughter Judith and her family. Yes, you are right! Travelling is for me rather relaxing. Please pray for me in the coming weeks, I realize that my body is becoming older. I plan spend longer periods of my time in Hartberg Closter in Austria, so people can visit me, rather than I travel to them.
Next two week I travel to Southern Germany and Switzerland. After that I hope to be another time in Denmark for our 26th yearly Summerschool to train people into good spiritual counselors as well as our IPSICC training to become a Danish Government recognized psychotherapist.
Until next time, Téo