Good and less good news from Téo

by | Mar 5, 2019 | News | 2 comments

Dear prayer supporters,

This time I went for 4 days to Stavanger, 17 days in Iceland and a much-needed 4 day rest in Oslo, 

Thank you for praying. I try to keep up my prayer schedule, even while traveling, That hasn´t always happened though, at times I was too tired. Thank the Lord that I slept well. 
My time in Stavanger was with one family. I can´t say much about it, but I was obviously led by the Lord to be there! 
Then I left for Iceland via Olso and Copenhagen, where I got a business class seat. For some reason, this was so organized and I accepted it with joy. Arriving in Reykjavik I was taken at once to a Teogroup prayer meeting. These meetings started after having been 4 years ago. This is originally a male-only meeting. Now some ladies who have seen how their husbands changed though these sharing meeting also come. When blessing time comes, the ladies go to another meeting place in this Hjallakirke.  
After this first meeting, I was glad to get to Bishop David Tencer´s place. Again he warmly welcomed me. He and P. Patrick Breen made sure my stay was comfortable.
I ministered for the next three days in Hjallkirke, teaching every evening and seeing each day about 5 to 6 people in addition to a multitude of people in a blessing-prayer. How do I describe what happens when the Lord also is there and manifest Himself? I struggle to write about it. Especially my main contact Kristján Gunnarsson was such strong spiritual support. There were battles with evil forces. It is here that I want to thank you for prayer support. I felt your prayers and then is turning on the Light so much easier.
It is also a visible lesson for those who witnessed this, that this goes much easier than “chasing away the darkness”. 
Then I spend 4 days with Baldur Einarsson of “Catch the Fire” group. The leadership was quite open to my presentation and through Baldur,  I got the book “Mysteries, Marvels, and Miracles in the lives of the Saints” by Ms. Joan Carrol Cruz. To be sure that this was a quality book, I noted the Imprimatur of the Archbishop of New Orleans. So this was double checked. It is a book that described all types of miracles, including people being lifted above the ground, speaking in tongues, bodies that didn´t deteriorate until today, remarkable events such as the Stigmata (wounds of Christ) and rather practical: multiplication of food.
Baldur said: Wow, these miracles we need to see today. He is an ex-criminal who once was judged to a double sentence as he showed no remorse. Getting free again he got involved in drugs distribution, running a brothel and other rotten stuff. Yet Gods grace got a hold of him and he repented, stopped the brothel and made it an evangelistic center, working under prostitutes, drug addicts etc. They were praising the Lord and smoking weed at the same time until they realized that this was something you couldn´t do. It grew into a movement among the darker-side of Reykjavik en they have now, regular meetings. They gave last Christmas for more than $10.000 away in Christmas packages for the poor in their area, 
They asked me to work with the leadership group. It was a blessing. The amount of revelation of past and present evil, the freedom through God´s light and some of Gods future plans, was remarkable. I spend about 4 hours of teaching and each day several hours of individual counseling. There was also a visit with the family of Baldur and his wife Barbara that is, like most families in Iceland, includes kids from former relations plus the children born from the current relationship. I think that my teaching “How to get your glue-bottle back” (Matt.19:5) might be an answer for Iceland as a society. People have accepted that “this is life in Iceland”: …one starts early with sexual experimentation, marries young get divorced after a few years, then they start to think about life. That there are already children who have been messed up in the early marriage battles, or absent fatherhood, or being deserted by their mothers, is all seemingly accepted. This is how it is in Iceland…
One brother was so enthused that he suggested to set-up a pastoral training program. I might be involved, at least from the sidelines. One urged me to move to Iceland, that is rather impossible, but the idea gave me some good smiles…
Naturally, I got invited to dinner in different places and spend also good times in informal get-togethers.
Then it was time to go to Akureray
Akureray is a town one can reach after a 30-minute flight. Upon arrival, I met my long-standing friend Pastor Vigfús who I met about 35 years ago in YWAM Iceland. He is retired now and as an Icelandic language specialist, he is still involved writing himself, as well as translating important spiritual books. As modern printing-on-demand, where one can just print 10 books, all automatic, writing your own book becomes now so much easier than before.
Akureray has at least doubled in size since I was there 30+ years ago. It had snowed so much. Huge snow-heaps were visible as heavy equipment kept the roads more or less open. It was a long time ago that I met so much snow in Scandinavia. We went right away about 70 km, to a camping place + guesthouse. Well, the camping was buried under 60 cm. of snow, the guesthouse was warm and welcoming. The owners Alli I had met more than 30 years ago in YWAM´s first DTS. They met there and got married and got several children. Their care was so outstanding. When they said that they planned to open it up in the winter as a retreat center, I at once melded my self as a future participant. From this guesthouse, we went several days visiting churches as well as traveling back to Akurarey. One day it snowed heavy and Vigfús could hardly drive. On the way out from the guesthouse, we went nearly off the road and started to lean over at my side. I opened the door, got out and was at once up to my belt in the snow. Moving was hardly possible. Vigfús came, gave me a hand and pulled me out. Then there came a snowmachine and pulled our car out. We arrived safely in Aqureray and visited different churches and counseled again with quite a few people. 
In the Pentecostal Church of Akureray, a lady asked for prayer and I asked for her hands. As I blessed them she started to shake… I encouraged her: “let that happen, this is normal when the tension in your body gets released”. After some time an assisting lady let her sit down and continued to counsel her.
Too soon my return flight was there. I had slept the last night in town as I had an early morning flight. I forgot my jacket with my ID and wallet. My hosts took it to the plane the same day and in the afternoon I got everything back. I need to be more careful, doublechecking what I have as I leave. This has happened now a few times. This is for me a prayer point. Please pray that the Lord warns me when I get from a place to see “do I have everything”?
I was met at the plane by Asta, whom I met 35+ years ago. We have spent many hours taking, praying, believing about her future. Well with God´s help and her natural stubbornness, refusing to give up, she was able to grow into a child developmental specialist who is also a Bolby expert (who studied bonding between children and parents). She graduated also of ISARPAC in Denmark and is retired now and has her own ministry. We discussed plans to start-up a pastoral course. 
Several people asked me about becoming Roman Catholic, that is not an easy decision anywhere, but it is perhaps easier in Iceland as there is no animosity between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Three people talked with me about it resulting in one lady meeting P. Patrick Breen.
I returned to Oslo and before I left I developed a severe cold. That is now over. Blessings on you all.
Thank you for your prayer support!
Deacon Téo
Just after I fished this, I had a serious accident with my new therapist rad bike. I still don’t know what happened. I know I crossed a street and I was woken up in the hospital.   My bike was rePorted,y.   Still standing. I was found unconscious at the road side. police and ambulance were there I didn’t know anything of that. Even that I corrected my birthdate and asked me. Well this resigns me to walking and taxies. The concussion has made me vulnerable for being nauseous.
It will take 6 weeks of absolute rest. So my trip to Finland in 3 weeks is sadly cancelled. Since yesterday I feel  a lot vbetter
I can’t write because of 2 breaks in my right shoulder and 3 places In my face , so I hope can accept some of my writing mistakes. No operation is needed though. It just hurts.
 Love Téo
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