Welcome to my webseite!
I am looking forward to share my journey with you .
Welcome! I am so glad you are here!
I am Téo van der Weele and I have worked for the last 40 years with severely traumatized people. I found they have a special type of worldview shaped by their past. It is like colored glasses… read more
Téo van der Weele erzählt uns aus seinem Leben und seiner Lebensreise.
Téo van der Weele vertelt ons over zijn leven en zijn reis.
This website will provide you with news and updates, I am telling you about my journey in “my story“. Of course, I am always happy to hear from you via the contact form!
My latest news and updates:
Video recordings of a Conference in 2015 – Teo’s Background
This is a Video on Teo's Background recorded in 2015, during a Conference in California. Be Blessed!
It has been a long break. Here is my update.
The Netherlands is now on the third place on the ladder of the percentage of people who died as a result of the Corona crisis, after Italy and Spain. In the midst of these manifestions of death, We have a deep sympathy with those fellow Europeans who lost so many of...
Lessons that I learned in this trip in Iceland.
After a long absence I am back to write in my blog again. I am so grateful to the Lord for His help in my life. The Corona-virus naturally has also my attention. I will have to be very careful in the coming weeks as I am one of those older people with heartfailure...