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I am looking forward to share my journey with you .
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I am Téo van der Weele and I have worked for the last 40 years with severely traumatized people. I found they have a special type of worldview shaped by their past. It is like colored glasses… read more
Téo van der Weele erzählt uns aus seinem Leben und seiner Lebensreise.
Téo van der Weele vertelt ons over zijn leven en zijn reis.
This website will provide you with news and updates, I am telling you about my journey in “my story“. Of course, I am always happy to hear from you via the contact form!
My latest news and updates:
The Protestant problem of understanding Charismatic Roman Catholics.
The Protestant problem of understanding Charismatic Roman Catholics. It has been a while that you heard from me. I was stuck in my struggle with the issue of Mary and had to first work this out. My background is charismatic evangelical/Protestant who became Roman...
A Surprising Seminar
I attended this weekend (20-22 September 2019) a 'Holy Spirit' seminar. One Indian lady, Elsi and one older gentleman, Justin were leading this. The second Indian lady had been in Germany already for nearly 50 years. Elsi started to talk about spiritual gifts,...
Looking at history – What I appreciate in the Evangelical world
Finally, here is a new installment to my blog. The summer had so many new opportunities to share and talk. Now I am again in Hartberg, (Steiermark, Austria). I expect to return home October 15th, the Lord willing. I am aware that I am getting older and that my time...